Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Final Exam

1.)  I thought that the volleyball poster was number one because I like the design of the poster and how I did something different when using the words.
2.)  The cyber bullying poster was my second choice because it was a good picture to work around and the measage gets out about cyber bullying in the poster.
3.)  The other bulling poster was my third choice because I like the background that was on it and then the words in red that looked like spatters on the wall.  I Just thought it looked cool and liked it.
4.)  The Day in the Life of poster was fourth because i like using the cloud filter and it made a cool looking background on the poster.  I also like the twisted filter on the words in the poster.
5.)  The Coca Cola sign was my last project in the best five becasue I spent so much time trying to get the sign to look brand new even when i had no skill with photoshop.  Every thing went well but thing C did not look to good, I didn't know what it looked like.

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