Monday, October 29, 2012

Quest 1

Quest 1

Step 1

1.)  The digital foot print I left in the game was small
 2.)  My digital foot print is the use of my cell phone, internet, and the game that I play on the ipad.  I text my friend and the text can get copy when moving throught the cell tower and are copy.  Internet has a digital foot print becasue it records every thing that you log into and do.  Games are a digital foot print becasue if you play online people they can get in and see your setting.  Also if you play a role playing games people can see other things about you.

Step 2

1.)  Things that I have done to day to leave a digital foot print is in computer app i worked on a prezi for 70 mins.  I have loged in to my blog to wrtie this project and my email at the same time.  I have logged into computer.

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