Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Final Exam

1.)  I thought that the volleyball poster was number one because I like the design of the poster and how I did something different when using the words.
2.)  The cyber bullying poster was my second choice because it was a good picture to work around and the measage gets out about cyber bullying in the poster.
3.)  The other bulling poster was my third choice because I like the background that was on it and then the words in red that looked like spatters on the wall.  I Just thought it looked cool and liked it.
4.)  The Day in the Life of poster was fourth because i like using the cloud filter and it made a cool looking background on the poster.  I also like the twisted filter on the words in the poster.
5.)  The Coca Cola sign was my last project in the best five becasue I spent so much time trying to get the sign to look brand new even when i had no skill with photoshop.  Every thing went well but thing C did not look to good, I didn't know what it looked like.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Quest 1

Quest 1

Step 1

1.)  The digital foot print I left in the game was small
 2.)  My digital foot print is the use of my cell phone, internet, and the game that I play on the ipad.  I text my friend and the text can get copy when moving throught the cell tower and are copy.  Internet has a digital foot print becasue it records every thing that you log into and do.  Games are a digital foot print becasue if you play online people they can get in and see your setting.  Also if you play a role playing games people can see other things about you.

Step 2

1.)  Things that I have done to day to leave a digital foot print is in computer app i worked on a prezi for 70 mins.  I have loged in to my blog to wrtie this project and my email at the same time.  I have logged into computer.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Charlotte Moive Theater

1.)  The Movie theater is using 35mm of flim for their movies.

2.)  The dilemma that the theater is having is that they need to get digital projectors to run the new movies that are coming out.  The prices for these projectors are in the range of $65,000 and some of the small theaters can't purchese them due to low profits.

3.)  One of the movie company that will no longer use film is the company of foxs.

4.)  The projectors are cost prohibitive because if they theater was to buy two of them it would take time to pay of the debt of buying them and there would be no profit to gain. The profit would go back into payin gof the projector.

5.)  The digital movie equipment would lead to an annual lose of 20% of profit becasue the theater would have to pay the debt off from buying the machine.  The digial movies will cost more to purchese and have in their theater.  Also the business doesn't have high price like larger corportations so they will still see a lose in money.

6.)  The best thing for the Eaton Theater is to find the funding for the digital projector and stay in business becasue there is nothing else that can be done other than go out of busines.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Movie Ticket and T-Shirt

This is the Ticket and T-Shirt design

Movie Poster

The Name of my movie is Clueless and the actor that playing me is Ryan Reynolds and a supporting cast of Betty White.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Leif Erikson day Poster

This is the Leif Erikson Day Poster
(Note that Erikson is spelled wrong I didn't know how to change it after I had merged the layers together)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

Creative common

What I have learned from doing this lab is that there is a webs called creative commons that you can use to help find pictures and text that are in the public domain.  I also learned about the fair use policy and that if we're to use any text or images out of school we could get in trouble.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

Base Ball Card

Here is a Base ball card that i have create by my self and with help